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15 product(s) found for "Tumblestones"
Amethyst Tumble
Amethyst Tumble Stone Amethyst Calm | Intuition | Protection Enhancing meditation, Amethyst s soothing energy relaxes the body and calms an overactive mind. Elevating consciousness, itconnects us to our deepest inner wisdom, developing trust in our psychic gifts and intuitive abilities. Amethyst maintains a sense of well-being by clearing the aura and creating a protective shield to guard against psychic...
Carnelian Tumble
Carnelian Tumble Stone Carnelian Confidence | Courage | Passion Increasing motivation and driving ambition, Carnelian inspires you take action. Boosting confidence to allow for true self-expression, it offers courage in times of new beginnings. Its fiery energy promotes companionship and intimacy, rekindling romances and stimulating sexual desires.
Citrine Tumble
Citrine Tumble Stone Citrine Happiness | Manifestation | Creativity Citrine s bright and cheerful energy radiates happiness and amplifies the joy in life. Magnifying the power of manifestation, Citrine increases motivation to achieve your goals with intent and action. Revitalizing the mind by clearing mental blocks, Citrine enhances creativity and encourages self-expression.
Clear Quartz Tumble
Clear Quartz Tumble Stone Clear Quartz Personal & Spiritual Growth | Manifestation Clear Quartz nurtures your overall well-being and growth by accommodating to the specific needs of the beholder. Its clear vibration will amplify your intention out into the universe and magnify the power of manifestation. Harmonizing all the chakras, it s energy aligns with any frequency to support healing and bala...
Green Aventurine Tumble
Green Aventurine Tumblestone Green Aventurine Abundance | Optimism | Personal Growth Aventurine attracts abundance into your life by opening your heart to greater potential and infinite possibilities. Bringing awareness to the highs and lows of life, Aventurine invites you to see the opportunity in every obstacle. Letting go of past attachments, it teaches you that every experience is a lesson to further...
Howlite Tumble
Howlite Tumble Stone Howlite Patience | Intuition | Calm Howlite teaches the virtue of patience by developing self-awareness. Heightening your intuition, it encourages the acceptance of circumstances that are out of your control. Bringing stillness to the mind and relaxation to the body, it invites you to settle in, slow down and unwind.
Mahogany Obsidian Tumble
Mahogany Obsidian Tumble Stone Mahogany Obsidian Safety | Self-Expression | Growth Deepening your energetic roots, Mahogany Obsidian imbues a sense of safety and groundedness within yourself and your body. Allowing you to feel comfortable and confident in your own skin, it empowers the freedom to express your sexuality and desires. Validating feelings of shame, guilt, and unworthiness, it facilitates...
Mookaite Tumble
Mookaite Tumble Stone Mookaite Jasper Vitality | Personal Growth | Confidence Mookaite Jasper carries the vibration of the Earth s pulse to nurture the body, mind and soul with an energizing life force. Encouraging personal growth, it deepens your understanding to the root cause of an obstructing emotional pattern. Moving past inherited limiting beliefs and dissolving the fear of the unknown, it empowers...
Obsidian Tumble
Obsidian Tumble Stone Black Obsidian Personal Growth | Balance | Cleansing Raising self-awareness, Black Obsidian teaches you to honour the imperfections of being human and to embrace your flaws and weaknesses as opportunities for growth and development. Restoring a harmonious balance to the emotional body, it nurtures a sense of wholeness and power to take on life s challenges. It s powerful cleansing...
Pink Dyed Agate Tumble
Pink dyed agate Tumble Stone Pink agate is a powerful healing crystal that is associated with the heart chakra. It is known for its ability to promote love, compassion, and self-acceptance. Pink agate is also a great stone for emotional healing. It can help to soothe and calm the mind and body, and release negative emotions.
Rose Quartz Tumble
Rose Quartz tumble stone Rose Quartz Love | Emotional Healing | Calm Nurturing a genuine appreciation for yourself, Rose Quartz inspires self-acceptance by recognizing your unique inner beauty. Releasing stress and resentment, it supports emotional healing for overcoming trauma and heartbreak. Bringing the heart chakra into balance, it calms the body into a state of infinite peace.
Tigers Eye Tumble
Tigers Eye Tumble Stone Tiger Eye Courage | Strength | Wisdom Tiger Eye inspires you to be fearless in the pursuit of whatever sets your soul on fire. Transforming fear into strength, it empowers you to stand your ground when the going gets tough. Developing a strong will to power through life s challenges, Tiger Eye provides wisdom and insight to take effective action.
Tree Agate Tumble
Tree Agate Tumble Stone Tree Agate Wholeness | Growth | Strength Deeply connected to Mother Earth, Tree Agate carries the vibration of all living things. Teaching forgiveness and understanding, it encourages you to embrace change and grow to new heights. Grounding your roots into solid ground, Tree Agate instills resilience and an un-shakable attitude to persevere through any challenge.
Unakite Tumble
Unakite Tumble Stone Unakite Balance | Release | Growth Unakite s heart healing energy nurtures a balance between the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional bodies. Resurfacing distressing events and circumstances, Unakite eases the release of anger, sadness, guilt and resentment. It asks you to let go of destructive habits and repetitive self-sabotaging behaviours that hinder you from moving f...
Yellow Calcite Tumble
Yellow Calcite Tumble Stone Yellow calcite is a stone that is said to have many properties, including physical, metaphysical, and spiritual properties: Physical properties Yellow calcite can be translucent to opaque, with a waxy to vitreous luster. It has a Mohs hardness of 3, making it relatively soft and easy to carve. It often forms in rhombohedral crystals, but can also be found in granular, massive,...
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